🇮🇪 Freelance Sr. Creative/Art Director based in Amsterdam.

I’ve 10+ years experience working in advertising agency’s across Dublin, New York and Amsterdam. Gatorade, Club Med, KPN, Porsche, Viaplay, Three Mobile, Škoda, Rene Futura, DHL, ASAHI, Uber Eats, Subway, McDonnels’s Curry Sauce & Pearle Opticians are some of the brands I’ve worked with.

I 💚 working on all kinds of creative projects. I specialise in concepting & crafting ideas, design and photography.



Illustration of me, by my niece Thalia, aged 4


Art Direction

180 Amsterdam

DentsuACHTUNG, Amsterdam

Boys and Girls, Dublin

Ammirati, New York


Unique Irish Homes


Sarah Shannon Yoga

Robbert Ammirati, New York


Awards/ Recognition

Cannes Lions x1 (Shortlist)

ICAD Awards x 5

Kinsale Shark Awards x4

Webby Awards (Shortlist)


Behind the Lion - Article in FONK Magazine

Invisible creatives  - Portfolio of the Month

Little Black Book - New Talent

Image Magazine -Art Exhibition 'Packs'  at Dublin Crisp Festival 2018

Exhibitions & Workshops

2022 - Future Fearless x Project Fearless Program

2020 - Creatives against Covid

2018 - Hidden Women zine workshop - Lit Ladies x National Gallery Ireland

2018 - Lit ladies Exhibition - Don't be Jelly

2018 - Lit Ladies Exhibition  - Packs